
Sunday 2 June 2013

Concentrating on the front garden

Over the past few weekends, we've been working on our front yard...nothing too drastic, just weeding and clearing out garden beds. It is a low-cost project as we hunker down for a Brisbane winter.

When we first moved into the Sow's Ear we planted quite a few agaves which have matured into great beauties. Now they are growing pups.

Agaves in the garden beds

Today, we transplanted some of the larger agaves into a side garden bed and and have started clearing some old sword ferns which have grown out of control. We'll spend the next few weekends getting everything up to scratch.

And in very sad news, one of our nicest flowering grevilleas is dying. Over the past month we noticed its leaves were browning off and now it is looking quite decrepit. We're going to give it a severe prune and hope that it may grow back. If it doesn't come good, it will have to be pulled out. Boo!

dying grevillea


  1. I'm definitely no gardening expert, Brismod, but I think you'll find some native trees don't have a long life span. I'm sure my dad has mentioned that certain species will need replacing over the years. I'm also not sure if giving it a good hard prune in winter will help its fate. Maybe ring your local nursery?

  2. Your agaves are amazing! Having just replanted almost everything in the back yard, I'd love to have something that's out of control. I understand about the loss of trees. Just this past year, I had to cut down pecan and two fruitless mulberries. I'm not sure what got them. It may have simply been the drought we had last summer.

  3. I always get a bit sad when a tree or plant dies. There are so many interesting Australian Natives around now. You could replace it with something true to your area. Love a plant that's easily propagated.

  4. Such a shame about your Grevillea, they're lovely and attract the birds. I think they don't like too much rain, like Wattles. A fully grown Wattle broke my heart in our first house, just keeled over in the rain.

  5. Your agaves look so beautiful!! I wish I could have a succulent garden! I guess I'll have to stick with my indoor ones as they wouldn't survive a Norwegian winter...
    I'm so sorry about your Grevillea. I have to pull up a few bushes in our garden, the dry and long winter this year has been murder.

  6. Sorry about your grevillea, we gave up re-planting those years ago, too temperamental. We went with bottlebrushes instead. The agaves are looking amazing.


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