
Monday 3 June 2013

Swift Whip Rotary Beater

I now own a Propert Swift Whip rotary beater. My life is complete. Well, not really but I know that I'm going to love my new egg beater. Especially after I tossed out my old egg whisk.

One of my friends who read this blog post spotted the rotary beater of my dreams at a charity shop and snaffled it up for me. She knew I had serious egg beater envy...Ha! Thanks S.

Propert Pty Ltd in Australia made the Swift Whip rotary egg beater from the 1930s to 1980s. My egg beater is most likely from the 1970s because it has small plastic gear wheels. The earlier versions of the same beater would have metal gears. 

Obviously they were built to last as I have friends whose elderly parents are still using their Swift Whip rotary beater. And they are guarding them fiercely from their children's clutches.

My 40 year old beater seem to be in very good nick. I'll be sure to whip something real good with them tomorrow. 


  1. Oh yes, oh yes. I have one of these and use it ALL the time. It is very useful if you are making something in the sunbeam mixer and need to mix the eggs separately to add (the trick to them not curdling your cake mixture) to the mix. Or does cream really well too. So functional, so old skool. True, the can't go in the dishwasher but a quick rinse seems to suffice. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Patsy! So great to hear that you love yours! xx

  2. I remember my grandmother using one of those when I was a kid. It's amazing that those things never seem to wear out. I know you'll get years of use from yours.

    1. It's great that they were built to last, Dana. xx

  3. Oh me too, I love mine. Especially for cream, so swift, so satisfying, especially licking those beaters. mel x

    1. Oh Mel, I knew you'd have one of these beaters!

  4. my mum has one that ive tried to steal on many promised it in the will! xx

  5. My Mum has one of these and yes, my name is so on it!!!! ;-)

  6. What a lovely find! I still remember using mum's when I was little. Looking forward to seeing what you make with them. xx

    1. Yes, it's cool. So far it's just whipped cream!

  7. If I had ever suspected they were going to disappear before I got to buy one I would have been more diligent in getting one..but you never know these things do you! Those were a lot nicer than the fully plastic handled ones and I like the bulbous beaters too, the newer ones were straighter.

  8. We had one for years and years and years. Ours had a pale yellow handle (it was the '70's) which broke and caned your hand if you tried to use it with just the bare metal handle. Tea towels did the trick! I LOVE the wooden handled one though. I want it! Must hunt around and see if I can find one, too!

  9. Yup i still have one from an oppy years ago. I still prefer it to the Big K for things like cream and pikelets.
    Just don't let Jason put it in the dishwasher as my husband did as you lose all the nice old grime on the wood and it goes back to clean wood.
    Not cool, husband, not cool!

  10. Mine is abut 60 years old and I used it tonight to make bread and butter custard. It was my grandmother's. Beats beautifully and will keep on forever, is promised to my daughter.


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