
Tuesday 23 July 2013

Campbell's Soup tins

To say I'm not a huge fan of tinned soup would be an incredible understatement...but it didn't stop me from adding four Campbell's limited edition tomato soup tins to my grocery trolley the other week.

So, I'm a sucker for Warhol and retro packaging!

Campbell's limited edition art tins

We've only eaten one tin. I made the kids eat it one night when I wasn't bothered cooking.

You have to take your hat off to the people who thought to package these tins as limited edition pieces, because there is no way in the world I would've bought them otherwise. I am officially a wanker!

Now, what to do with these colourful tins. Unfortunately, my idea for using them as herb planters was quite flawed. The paper labels won't last the distance, so I will have to rethink  how to use them.

Some people are using them as vases, pencil holders and tea light candle holders... I'm thinking of peeling off the labels and making some sort of art piece. I have a vision of getting my pop art mojo on. I'll show you what I come up with when it is done...after we get through all the soup!

Did you guys buy the tins too. And what are you planning on doing with yours?


  1. Oh wow- those tins are so gorgeous!! I love Warhol´s tins too, but have never seen them like this! The one to the right is my favorite:-) I can´t wait to see the result of your creativeness!!

    1. Aren't they? They were released last year in the US and have only just been released in Australia to mark the 51st anniversary of Warhol's Campbell's soup tin work. I think they're cool. xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I meant to buy a set last year when they were released here, but I let them get away from me. Lately I've been looking at them on eBay and may have to bid on a set.

    I can't wait to see what you do with yours. I wasn't planning anything more interesting than putting them on a little black shelf beside my spice rack. Now that I think of it, that's pretty lame. :)

    1. I can't believe they're selling on ebay! Ha. I might buy a few more!! xx

  4. Maybe Mod Podge-ing the labels might waterproof them and make them last a while.

    1. Thanks so much for the tip Valerie!! xx

  5. Valerie's right. If you use outdoor mod podge on them you should be able to use them as planters. They would look lovely with herbs in them.
    Kylie x

    1. Thanks Kylie! So there is hope yet for my planter idea. xx

  6. I bought some too. My plan was to modpodge them and then use them as vases or pencil holders.

    1. That's awesome! I'm going to have to find modpodge now. xx

  7. I completely missed that section at the shops. Are they still around!
    There are art teachers here that would squeal with happiness if they found those on their desks!

    1. Yes! Go to Woollies.There were lots...a friend of mine bought 21 to build a pyramid! lol! Xx

  8. P.S. Lucky they are all tomato soup. It's the only flavour I can bear in tinned soup.

  9. You could always make an artful display, take a photo and make a print for your kitchen/dining'll have them forever then!


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