
Thursday 25 July 2013

New acquisitions - Sibley lithograph and more iittala crystal

I have to say that when I go out and about fossicking for mid-century goodies (iittala or any Scandinavian crystal is my poison) you really don't find much. I always have my eyes peeled for furniture too...just in case I stumble upon something like...

The other day while I was filling in an hour before school pick-up (as is my weekly habit), I stumbled upon a framed lithograph which caught my eye. I looked at the signature which read Sibley. The only artist I know of with the name Sibley is Andrew Sibley who is a renowned Australian artist, except in the Lifeline Supastore. You can read a little about him here, if you are interested.

I took a punt and bought it and have found out through a friend that yes, it is indeed an Andrew Sibley and details about this particular lithograph can be found here. Yay! I'm glad I found it. There will be some rearranging of the art on the walls over the weekend I suspect...

Andrew Sibley 1990 Lithograph The Inner Garden
And in other exciting news my iittala Festivos are breeding. A new six ring Festivo has made its way to the Sow's Ear from Shop 88 in the Woolloongabba Antiques Centre. I was looking for a tall one to complete the cluster, so I am very happy about this particular purchase.

In the centre of the table (image below) there is also an iittala Ultima Thule glass platter designed by Tapio Wirkkala, which I found recently. I've never seen the glass plates before and of course it came to a welcoming home.

iittala Festivo candle holders

It might be time that I clean out some of my cupboards to swap out old crockery and glassware with my new acquisitions...again!

Have you had much luck in your thrifty endeavours?


  1. You are on a roll! I love Wirkkala and Sarpaneva so much, and I particularly love Festivo and Ultima Thule, so I'm very excited about your find. The print is an absolutely fantastic purchase too. Good going, you!

  2. Thanks Dana! Yes I had a feeling you'd like my new things! xx

  3. Indeed I have, but oh my, your finds a re fantastic!! Art by a renowned artist, and imagine finding a six ring Festivo! That group on your table look amazing! I collect both Festivo and Ultima Thule too, but my tallest candle holder is a four ring. The tall ones are stunning!

    1. I can imagine that you've found some fabulous things. The tall festivos are just stunning!

  4. This has got nothing to do with your post (although I really like the Sibley lithograph and I feel your joy re Festivo) but I was just wondering if you could share the details of your kitchen knobs with me? I have just discovered that the ones I want are $67(!) so as hard as it is I've had to abandon them. I have made expensive mistakes with knobs in the past (that doesn't sound very nice) so I would really appreciate your tips or suggestions Brismod (I have spent hours on the internet to no avail and I did find a couple of teak retro 70's looking knobs and handles in Bunnings, but I'm not completely sold on them) Thanks in anticipation...

    1. No problemo. I'll dig out the info and send you an email tomorrow if that's ok? xx

  5. Of course it is, thank you.
    (and I do spend money on booze!)

  6. I too have found original art in the lifeline, then vacillate between feeling mortified for the artist and excited for the find. My mum knew Andrew Sibley's wife Irena and I have one of her original lino prints and three of her childrens books, she too was very talented but has now passed away. Your lithograph is beautiful and will look fantastic in your home. mel x

    1. I know, who sends original art to an opshop? It's the stuff of dreams for the scavenger... Wow,can't believe you've found collectable art in an opshop too.
      Small world about you mum knowing Irena. I'm interested in reading her book -she sounded fascinating...I had heard she passed away a few years ago, which is sad... but it's nice you have a piece of her work. Would love to see it in your blog...or is it in your blog already? xx

  7. What great finds Anita! I'd be very chuffed with that print if I were you. Your glass collection is looking so good. I do keep my eyes out for things down here, but haven't seen anything good yet - it's all in Brissie! x

    1. I was very chuffed. It's by far the best thing i've found...ever! Xx


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