
Thursday 1 August 2013

Four year blog anniversary

I can't believe that this blog has been kicking around for the past four years. It only seems like yesterday when I asked Jason to think of a cool name for the blog while he was in the midst of painting the VJs (vertical join walls) ...Needless to say his response was a profanity.

And that's when Fun and VJs was born.

This was the blog's first header. I thought I was pretty clever ...oi!

Little did I realise when I hit the publish button for that first blog post that anyone but me would be reading the chronicles of renovating the Sow's Ear. So, with  730 posts, over a million page views and over 10,000 comments later, it seems quite surreal to be sitting here.

It's been a lot of fun which was always the intention of this whole blogging caper. I've met some cool people, learnt some new tricks and have a body of work which I would never have imagined creating back in August 2009.

Thank you for reading. I really mean that.



  1. We've been blogging for almost the same amount of time... my four year blogiversary is in October :) Congrats on reaching such a big blogging milestone... I always like visiting your little corner of the web xx

    1. Thanks for dropping in Amanda. Wow! Can't believe you're nearly 4 years too...blogging has changed a lot!!xx

  2. Hi Anita, you were one of the first to inspire me to commence a blog about my own renovation, and through you I've met so many others. I've just passed my 1 year blogiversary. I'm hoping that our house will be finished by XMAS, at which point I'll having nothing more to write about. I might have to start thinking about doing another reno! xx

    1. Thanks Caroline. So glad you started your blog about your house. It's been one of my favourite reads!! xx

  3. I can't believe you (or lazy Jason) haven't finished your bloody house in 4 years.

    1. Ha ha! Appalling isn't it? You'd miss us if we ever finished this place Tom ! Xx

    2. If your blogs stopped, I would worry that Oz had been nuked.

  4. Amazing effort Anita & Jason. Your blog kept us focused on the upcoming task at hand while we were living in America, and gave us lots of ideas about what was ahead including painting. In our case the profanity statement would be "effin D moulds"!! Our blogiversary will technically be next month (for writing the blog) though this weekend actually marks six months since we got back in the house and picked up a bucket of sugar soap, a sponge, followed by the first of many litres of paint!

    Keep up the fantastic work :-) Cheers, Col

    1. Ha! Yes, we had d mould at our last place. Thanks so much for reading and I think it's great you're blogging about your reno. You basically never stop painting when you own a timber house! xx

  5. Congratulations!!! That's some pretty impressive stats you've got there! No wonder, though, your blog is great, I love it! I'm so glad you told the story behind your title, I've been wondering:-) I hope you'll stay around for four more(at least:-)!

    1. Oh yes, the name of the blog means nothing unless you live in Queensland. Vjs are a very colloquial term and pretty much no one outside of the state gets it! Thank you so much tove for your lovely words. xx

  6. Happy blogiversary! You're an inspiration!

    1. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing your progress too.xx

  7. Congratulations. Keep posting. We love it, and now the weather's getting warmer ....... (he, he)

    1. Thanks Kylie! I told Jason he needs to get in shape because the fans are wanting to see some man flesh! xx

  8. Happy bloggy anniversary fellow DIYERS,job well done. Painting vjs will do that to you,ha.

    1. You guys are the real troopers! Two renos at the same time! Thanks so much for reading, and I love reading your blog for inspiration ! xx

  9. Fours Years! That's brilliant. Congrats. x

    1. Thanks Donna. It's been a fun four years too! xx

  10. We wouldn't be back for more if we didn't like ya! Thanks for some good reads and a whole lotta fun!

  11. Congratulations on four great years! I always look forward to your posts and couldn't imagine blogland without you! I've learned so much about Queenslanders and about Australia from reading your posts. Here's to another four years...and another four...and another.

    1. You are so sweet Dana for saying all those lovely things. Well I feel the same about you. I'm learning so much MC stuff. And I'd say we'll be here for a few more years yet. xx

  12. Four years. Incredible. I always read your posts and you know what I think of you and your family. You're such a good stick and a veritable encyclopaedia on MC design. I'm chuffed to call you one of my friends. When people ask, I say, "Anita? Oh, she's one of my friends." That's what I say.

    1. MMMC I'm blushing at your kind words. Yes, you definitely rate as one of my friends. How could you not? Fellow Brisbane dwelling mid-century, wannabe Scandinavian mum with a love of bitossi. We'll have to catch up again btw xx

  13. Congrats to you and the Sow! More iittala posts I say! xx

    1. Ha ha! Don't worry I'm sure there will be. Thanks Pippa for reading! xx

  14. Congrats Anita, hope the sow still has a few things left to go before she is a silk purse as I love reading along. Your blog was the first that I stayed up all night to read back every post from the beginning in complete excitement. Love your daybed by the way, it is beautiful, too good for boys I might add. mel x

    1. Thanks Mel! So glad you started your blog too, as I've loved reading about Betsy...we still have quite a bit to do but lack of money and mojo are making things quieter around here. Ha! Yes, my daybed...the boys are under constant surveillance...if I see one crumb on it they will be sorry! xx

  15. Happy Anniversary - 4 years is a lot in blog years, it's great reading such an entertaining Brisbane blog xx

  16. We share a blog anniversary!!!! Congrats on 4 years. I'm only a year in. Love the story behind the title. Wish I'd put more thought into my blog name- my name seems to be shared with porn stars!

  17. Wow darl, four fabulous years. What a great inspiration your blog is, I seriously don't know how you guys achieve all the stuff you get done. Just amazing!!

    Here's to many, many more! : )


  18. Congratulations on being an inspiration for four years! Here's to the next four. xoxo

  19. Congratulations! You've achieved so much in four years. A sow's ear no longer.

  20. Congratulations wow 4 years is a huge milestone! May there be many more to come :)


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