
Sunday 4 August 2013

Rearranging the op-shop art

We like a good faff on the weekend at the Sow's Ear, where we just potter about without too many pressures. We spent some of our time rearranging the art work.

Earlier in the week I made the annual pilgrimage to Ipswich to visit Jo from Desire to Inspire with my mates Katherine and Carmel. It's our chance to catch up with the guru of online interiors, to check out Jo's spectacular home and to assist in emptying some of her full cupboards.

Jo's been my number one supplier (enabler) of vintage goods for the past three years - God bless her generous hoarding soul! I was the lucky recipient of a few art glass pieces and other goodies which I will show you another time. Thanks a million Jo!

Here's a shot of Jo's amazing home office

This is Jo's master bedroom which is simply, darkly exquisite.
Sorry for the poor iphone quality
This year, Jo passed on a couple of thrifted art pieces which she bought mostly for the frames (she's also an artist and uses reclaimed frames for her art works). I thought they were great as is and have hung them in the dining room. (And Susan do not roll your eyes at my 'art'! Ha!)

The new piece is on the right- a landscape in some psychedelic colours. I like an eclectic mix on the wall - vintage 1970s art print, last supper carving and an acrylic landscape...

The still life below is the other new acquisition. We can't figure out what the green thing is...the kids reckon it's a lettuce...I think it might be a cabbage. What do you reckon?

We also hung the op-shop Sibley lithograph in the lounge room (read about it here). This room is looking so much nicer with the restored Wegner daybed and the DQF viking chairs. There are a few things which need tweaking new lamp shade, coffee table etc...but there's no rush for now...

the Sibley is the framed piece on the right

 p.s Thanks so much for all your lovely comments about our 4th blogging anniversary. xx 


  1. The Sibley is HUGE!! The Art (and I use a capital 'A') is all perfect. I've got to say the Sows Ear is looking the goods!! Such a sophisticated home. Am completely loving the whole thing. Jo is a gem.

    1. Yes, huge! (and the reason for my evil laugh when I was handing over my cash at the op-shop) and thanks about the can't go too badly wrong with good Danish design. It makes a big difference to the room. xx

    2. I was going to say the same thing, it's enormous!! Thrifting find of the year!

  2. Everything is coming together for such a polished look. It's simply beautiful, Anita. You and Jason have put so much love and hard work into your home, paying attention to every minute detail, and it's become a real gem. And I'm voting lettuce with the kids. :)

    1. Lettuce, eh? Hmmm... Not cabbage... Thanks for your lovely comment Dana. xx

  3. im a bit addicted to op shop art. whenever you mention it I think I must do a post on it!. I`ll get there one day. I love that last shot of your living room!. the daybed looks right at home. Alx

  4. I think it may be a cabbage too..considering the other vegies were an onion and pumpkin. Your friend has a very sophisticated bedroom.

  5. I always thought it was a green papaya but that's just weird. It could be a cabbage ... or a lettuce ... or a green papaya. I'm no help.

  6. How good does that daybed good! I bought my first oppy art the other day, a new passion! The sow is looking very sexy! xx

  7. Glad you didn't know what the green thing was - I looked at it and thought 'what on earth is that'


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