
Wednesday 28 August 2013

Retro Flea 2013

Every year our mates Chris and Susan, who are the publishers of Australian Modern, organise a community garage sale as part of their Neighbourhood Watch activities. And they know how to host an event!

This year it will be held on election day. If you want a bit of retro to go with your all-important vote, drop in from 8am Saturday 7 September on the corner of Cotswald and Burchell Streets, Carina.  It will be all over by midday, so make sure you get in quick.

Hot dogs will also be sold on the day to help raise funds for the Neighbourhood Watch.

It promises to be a huge morning out if you love to fossick for old wares and retro treasures. Seriously, it was such a massive event last year with 1960s sofas, kitchen dressers and large plan drawers for sale.

This year, the word on the street is that some of the older residents are decluttering for their move to the retirement homes...Think unused wedding gifts and vintage linens! There will also be lots and lots of books.

Last year at the retro flea. This was just one corner...
Last year I went with Son #1 and we had a great day selling superfluous homewares and old Star Wars toys. The Star Wars toys sold like hot cakes!

Son #1 scored a PNG fishing spear which is proudly displayed in his room and he also bought a you do as a 10 year old! Not bad for a $2 investment.

Keep the date free!


  1. That sounds like so much fun. Our neighborhood association has a yard sale day every year, and it yields some great loot.

    1. It is such a fun day Dana. And the loot is good here too. xx

  2. I so wish I could go. I have a large box of retro stuff that I tried to sell in our garage sale and no one was interested. They only wanted CDs and furniture. Maybe I'll be around next year! Are you having a stall?

    1. Shame you can't make it. I'm going through our stuff this weekend to see what can go in the big sale. xx

  3. Having problems leaving comments. Just testing Anita.


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