
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Triple Gable Queenslander

Remember that Triple Gable Queenslander that was up for sale and which I blogged about in May? If you missed it, you can read about it here and see some internal shots when I went to the inspection.

It was eventually sold and it seems that the house will be kept as a family home which is such fantastic news. I just wanted to share that information since it received a lot of complimentary remarks in the comments section of that blog post.

The home was being marketed as a splitter block with the house to be moved to the front with the prospect of new apartments at the back of the block. Quel horreur!

Anyway,the old home is undergoing major renovations as you can see in the picture below. It is very cool to see an old home get a new lease of life.

Triple Gable Queenslander

I obviously had a soft spot for this home, as I have a photograph of it from earlier this year, a few months before it even went on the market. It's just lovely.

Triple Gable Queenslander 


  1. It is pretty. I like its breeze block fence. Did they keep that?

    1. I loved the breeze block fence too, MMMC. And no, it wasn't kept. I wonder what the replacement will be?

  2. Is this house across from st j's? It looks so familiar?

    1. Sure is. Lots of photos of it in the archives too. xx

  3. What a lovely bungalow, reminds me of Betsy. So nice to hear it is not being carved up and will remain a lovely home. Be sure to keep us updated with the reno please. mel x

    1. Yes, very similar to yours Mel. And I'll show an after shot when it's done. xx

  4. How did I miss the original post? This house has some gorgeous features - so it's nice to see it's being preserved. xx

    1. It is good to see a house being loved again. x

  5. Is the house to the left an Art Deco Bungalow? Cheers, Col

  6. I always get scared when an old Queenslander sells around these parts. So nice to see them being loved!

  7. Love seeing a gorgeous old Queenslander being restored rather than removed.

    1. That is a gracious old dear of a house. How many bedrooms did it have. I spent a few years in a 60's house in Carina as a toddler before my parents took us to live in the country. Always wished they'd kept that house.


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