
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Les Demoiselles de Rochefort

Since the weekend I've had a particular little ditty in my head. It's from a 1967 film called Les Demoiselles de Rochefort which is a Jacques Demy film that is basically an hommage to the Hollywood musical...but with a French new wave twist.

Where have I been not knowing this kind of stuff exists?

While the rest of Australia was congregated around the telly on Saturday night to watch the election results (modernist house owning Tony Abbott romped it in by the way), I went to watch this French film at my friend's place. I was warned there was a bit of everything for everyone in this film and that it was tonnes of fun. And it was!

When the gay guy watching the film with us pipes up during the opening sequence "OMG! That is so gay!" you know that you're in for a treat!

It stars a young Catherine Deneuve and her older sister Francoise Dorleac, who died  in a motor vehicle accident shortly after this movie was shot. The film is a feast of carefully selected colour and costumes and can only be described as whimsical multiplied by 100.

Have a look at the clip.


  1. OMG- How have I not heard of this before? Downloading now.

    1. Ha! Ross, it's best watched with a few friends! Very funny.

  2. You had me at George Chakiris! I had such a crush on him when I was a teenager. :)


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