
Friday 13 September 2013

Mid-century coffee table

Over the past few weeks I've kept my eyes peeled for a slightly larger coffee table for the living room. I've looked everywhere for a nice mid-century style one...

I was completely thrilled when I stumbled upon a round mid-century table in my travels. It's in good condition but it will still need to be sanded back and have some chips filled, as well as a good drink of Danish oil.

It pretty much ticks all the boxes except that it is much taller than I had first thought. And I'm still not used to having a round coffee table either. But for $20, I really shouldn't complain!

Jason doesn't know that I bought the table as I'm going to do an experiment to see if he actually notices it... I predict he won't notice the table for at least the first hour when he gets home later today.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. $20? Great buy! Can I pay you to find me a dining table? Shopping for groceries is hard enough with my 4. xx

    1. Ha! I'll find you a table for free! I'm always seeing great pieces... xx

  2. Ha ha male domestic blindness? Lovely table.

    1. He has the same blindness when he opens the fridge looking for food. xx

  3. $20-bargain! Looks fantastic! Let us all know how long it takes!

    1. Thanks Ness. He didn't notice but someone spilt the beans so my experiment went out the window! xx

  4. I can see it is a bargain but I think you need a rectangular table with a shelf underneath preferably a netted cane.

    1. Yes, I know...I'm not 100% sold on it either but I figure for the bargain price it can stick around for now...easy come, easy go! xx

  5. I can see it is a bargain but I think you need a rectangular table with a shelf underneath preferably a netted cane.

  6. It's lovely, I really like the grain patterns on the top and $20 seals the deal really. mel x

  7. Beautiful...and what a deal! I actually like the round shape. It's a nice contrast to the boxy simplicity of your Wegner piece.

  8. Its lovely! Katherine had a round one with a glass top a while back, but I missed out on it. The height is always an issue in compaison with the lounge..., my lounge is low so nothing I find suits! Ive never owned a coffee table, I have an ottoman and I am sick of searching!

  9. I love it!! The wood pattern on top is wonderful. And those legs!!!

  10. Dont you love it when you hold out for something and then you find exactly what you want. Its worth the wait :) Love the table it looks perfect for the space.

  11. I love it - and can't believe you paid just $20. That is all kinds of awesome x

  12. Twenty dollars makes it a winner. I had one of those rectangular ones with the rattan underneath and lost custody of it to my sister. Dang!


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