
Wednesday 3 September 2014

Brisbane Open House 2014

Attention all archi-tourists: it's that time again when we have to plan our itineraries for Brisbane Open House to be held on the weekend of the 11/12 October 2014.

For those of you not in the know, Brisbane Open House is an annual event which grants the general public access to some of Brisbane's architectural gems. You can read about my experience at last year's Brisbane Open House event here.

Last week we attended the official launch and received our information guide books. The breadth of historical and contemporary properties which will be on show is rich and diverse. There are nearly 90 properties featured in the guide - with 35 new buildings opening their doors this year.

Brisbane Open House guide book

One of those new buildings is also our home...Eek!

We were asked to participate and are among some of the suburban residential offerings in this year's open house program. Our home is listed as the AF Dawson residence in the program and you can book a tour of our place via the ballot system on the Brisbane Open House website. Go on, we'd love to meet you!

AF Dawson residence
We are very excited to be part of this year's event as hopefully it will raise awareness of the importance of preserving mid-century homes. Too often, homes like ours are unsympathetically renovated or even demolished to build homes which are generally poorly designed and constructed...And we can't have that, can we?

Our home was designed by an award-winning Brisbane architect called Peter Heathwood - it was drawn as a specification house for builder AF Dawson in 1962. The house was owned by the one family until we purchased it earlier this year. It's a great home and we really love it.

Railton House. Image from here
In the open house program there are other mid-century residential homes and buildings which are 'must-sees' for the mid-mod enthusiast. My pick is Railton House and Office located in Spring Hill, Torbreck Home Units in Highgate Hill, Jacobi House in Indooroopilly. You can check out the Hot Modernism suggested itinerary on the Brisbane Open House website to see what else is on offer.

Because we are part of the event it means my 'archi-touring' will be curtailed to just one day. I've got my heart set on seeing the old Boggo Road Goal built in 1903 and also the 2014 Christian Street residence designed by architect James Russell.

If you're in Brisbane which  buildings do you plan to visit?


  1. I've been watching the Christian St house go up & have taken a walk by sneaky peak through the fencing during construction. Would love to see through now that it's finished. I'm not good at imagining how spaces are going to end up ... just ask my husband during our renovation. I would always ask "Can you just draw it for me, in 3D if you can?" :-)

    1. It looks like such an interesting place. I hope I get through the ballot. There is also no photogrsphy allowed inside either...which makes me want to see it more! xx

  2. I hope that you have a wonderful day and enjoy getting to see people visiting your house and that you can enjoy visiting the places you want to see! xx

  3. The shot of your house is fantastic. All your hard work is paying off, because everything is coming together just perfectly. Now I understand the pressure to get all the painting done. What's the status on the problematic blue door? I hope you have a great turnout and enjoy all the oooohs and aaaaahs I know your house is going to get.

    1. Not that much pressure to get everything done because that would be completely impossible! The blue door is completely fine and if no one reads the blog, then no one would be the wiser...Ha! Thanks Dana xx

  4. I am hoping to check out Torbrek & the goal. Still have to look & build our itinery. Any suggestions for newbies?

    1. Hey Marina, the Windmill tower and Craigston in Spring Hill were great last year and I'd recommend those too. xx


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