
Monday 8 September 2014

Removing the unwanted wood heater

Vale wood heater. It was nice knowing you, even though we never used you during winter. You were like the elephant in the room...taking up too much valuable space. We never took any photographs of you when you became ours because we never thought you worthy...sadly, unloved

For the few cold nights we have in sub-tropical Brisbane we were prepared to sacrifice cosy warmth for more useable room. 

A shot of the wood heater when the house was with the previous owners

A couple of weeks ago we hired a plumber to remove the heater and repair the inevitable hole in the roof. It only took about an hour or so for it to be done. Afterwards, a few days of rain assured us the plumber did a good job because we were leak-free!

Wood heater-free living space. You can see the maple board on the right.

Our next dilemma is to repair the hole in the Queensland maple ceiling. Finding aged maple rotary cut plywood to match the rest of the ceiling is a problem.

The solution we came up with, with our builder, was to re-purpose some old maple wood doors from the old kitchen cupboards which had been stored under the house. Fortunately the previous owners had kept the old overhead cupboards in the garage and they are a close enough match to work

Our builder has fabricated two old doors into one board which he will use to repair the ceiling. You will still be able to tell there was a repair to the ceiling, but that's fine. It all forms part of the history of the house as it evolves.

Removing the wood heater will provide us with more flexibility in our living and dining areas. That is always a good thing.


  1. So much nicer without the heater! I bet the repair will be much less noticeable to guests than it is to you. You have so many beautiful things to look at, I doubt many people will be inspecting the ceiling. (I have a ceiling that needs some repair, so I'm telling myself that too.)

    1. It's always more noticeable when the repair is in your place! Thanks Dana! xx

  2. That will give you so much more useable space. A blanket and wheat bag is all you need in SE Qld anyway! X

    1. I agree Ness. As nice as it is to have a wood heater, I can't warrant it for the few cold days that we have. xx

  3. Good call! So much better now!

  4. Much, much better. Just having that picture there integrates the whole space.

    1. Oh many thanks. We prefer it this way too. xx

  5. Excellent! The space will be much easier to use now! Room for more chairs!

  6. Wow, it is really looking amazing. Nice without the fire - the luxury of living in QLD :-)


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