
Sunday 4 July 2010

Work begins on the bedroom - # 1 Son

Flaking paint, water damage and frameless window

View of the room from the back deck

Our eight year old son, Son #1, had a sleepover at a friend's house on Friday.

While he was away, we quickly cleared the furniture out of his room and began the process of renovating it.  It's been a long time coming, but Jason has only just recovered from the trauma of the master bedroom's partial renovation.

There isn't a lot of major work to do in this room - it is mostly cosmetic as the paint work is very poor and badly damaged.

Jason replaced the French door trim/moulding to make it consistent to the rest of the house. I think it is a Splayed profile. There was also no window frame which was was soon rectified.

Yesterday, the room was sanded and scraped to get rid of the worst of the flaking. There was also a substantial amount of wood rot around the sill - Jason thinks he's got rid of most of it, but I guess time will tell.

Today, Jason undercoated the entire room. It's looking good already. I'll share progress reports throughout the week.

Click here if you want to read a before post and see photographs of this room from last year.

New window frame

New door frame 


  1. I bet your son was surprised when he came home from his sleepover!

    How are the school holidays going-having fun? Hope you all enjoy the last week!

    Take care and best wishes,

  2. He was surprised because he forgot all about it! The holidays are great too. xx

  3. Makeovers can be an odd mix of enthusiastic excitement and horror at the amount of prep that needs to be done first up. I'm sure this makeover will be worth keeping an eye on Anita and I'm looking forward to seeing the end result as I'm sure you are.

  4. Always fun to clear out a room and do a makeover. So far so good. Look forward to seeing it finished and all set up

  5. Ugh! I so don't envy you at all with all those VJs. Good cheap VJ filler from the 'Paint Shop'. $2.00 as opposed to $10 from Bunnings. Looking forward to the 'after' shots :)

  6. Hi Anita can't wait to see the final look - Sandy x

  7. Looking great - Love those windows and french doors! Oh the fun of painting VJ, we know it so well but all worth it in the end! I can't wait to see... It was a nice warm day to do reno work today. I hope your son loves his new room and the effort you are putting in!

  8. Progress! Incidentally, I thought the whole point was to see the VJs? I shudder at the effort involved in filling them too, and since the wood 'breathes' it will aways crack. I call it character - or am I just being sloppy?

  9. Here we habitually have no window frames. They look good, mind you, now that I've seen some in Blogtopia. More architectural. I may have to start the trend locally.

  10. Gee, you've had a productive weekend!! I love the character of the window and doors - just lovely!

  11. Those french doors will be handy in ten years time when he wants to sneak in in the wee hours. not sure how Jason will feel when he wants to cover up his fab paint job with ugly posters...haha. Hope you are surviving the holidays cheers Katherine

  12. you guys set a cracking pace. So good to get to under coatiung stage isn't it?! The fun stuff begins : )


  13. Hi there,

    I've given you an award. It's on my blog for you to pick up!

    I know you've done it already, you'll just need to come up with 7 more things I think.

  14. Hey there. This might sound a bit spammy, but I found a blog that you might like and may give you some inspiration for your renovation.

    Also I saw this cool project on NotCot where you can make DIY funky concrete bookends

  15. The window! The door! The tongue-and-groove! Can I move in when it's finished please?

  16. Fab to see that I wasn't the only one clearing rooms out last weekend Anita. However, somehow I get the feeling you'll be enjoying the fruits of your labour long before me. Note to self - get a timber frame house next time!
    Millie ^_^


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