
Tuesday 6 July 2010

Bedroom progress, awards and a thank-you

New fittings for the windows

Jason added a quad border onto the built in robe so it matched the rest of the room. 
He's very pedantic about the small things.

The bedroom is completely undercoated except for the French Doors which lead onto the back deck. We'll start the top coat in the evenings later this week. It is easier to paint when the children are asleep.

Also I'd like to thank Trish from A dream house for Trish (she's in the process of designing and building a home in the Hunter Valley) and Lou from The little house that could (she's renovating an 1880s Queenslander in the outer suburbs of Brisbane) for giving me a Sunshine Award. Thank you so much for thinking me worthy of this award and for reading my blog.

To accept I need to reveal seven things about myself. I've done this before here and I've also done one for Jason here...

Thankfully, I'm thoroughly here's seven more interesting things about moi:

  1. Over the years, I've studied Mandarin, Italian and of course French as a hobby.
  2. When I was learning Mandarin, one of the guys in the class would later invent the Furi knife and another guy would later become a federal Member of Parliament. Little did they know what a famous blogger I would become!
  3. I own a set of Furi knives.
  4. I used to work as a coat and handbag girl at a City nightclub when I was at university.
  5. I played the cello at high school. Averagely.
  6. Jason and I were married within ten months of meeting and spent more money on the honeymoon than we did the humble little wedding.
  7. Jason and I attended the same large high school (two years apart) but did not know each other at all until we met several years later at work.

As you probably know by now, I don't like to tag other people. I'm the weak link in the chain. Sorry. Again, if I am a follower, leave comments or have you on my blog roll, then you know I like your blog. It doesn't get any more complex than that.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you to Kylie from Flying Ducks. I won a double pass to see the new French film The Hedgehog (Le Herisson) from her blog giveaway. Kylie writes a great little blog about her life and apartment in Brisbane and has been featured in Apartment Therapy and Design Sponge.

Jason and I saw the film last night at Palace Centro. What a gem of a film! It's a moving story about friendship, love and life set in an elegant apartment building in Paris. We would both highly recommend it if you wanted to see a great film.

I won't make a hash of the plot description. The Sydney Morning Herald has a review here if you're interested. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks again Kylie!!


  1. Awww, you're too sweet! I'm glad you liked the movie!

  2. You certainly are a famous blogger and it seems a busy one at that! Room looks great and I now know a little more about Anita! It's amazing what you can get done when the kids are asleep - I remember those days!

  3. You ARE thoroughly fascinating Anita and I loved reading 7 more interesting things about you and your life!
    That room is coming along a treat. Hope the evenings don't get too cold to paint.
    I've been painting all week - over it!

  4. The bedrooms looking good. Love the new fittings on the window. Congrats on your awards. Funny, I played the cello at high school too

  5. Hey Anita congratulations my dear! I am pleased to know you guys married within a year of knowing each other too. I love the centro such a great atmosphere, cheers katherine

  6. I love the window fittings, very elegant. And I'm with Jason, the small things definitely matter! Your 7 things are very interesting, particularly the part about you and your husband..amazing..Rachaelxx

  7. Congratulations on your awards and on your win! You are a very interesting person and I am impressed with your language skills! xx

  8. Hi Anita, the room is looking good, can't wait to see it finished but I do appreciate this takes time... I know all to well... I enjoyed reading your 7 comments, it is amazing that you and Jason went to the same school and didn't know each other but met at work. I guess you had a few laughs talking about various teachers etc..

  9. Anita, you're thoroughly fascinating! I know this because a famous blogger told me so.

  10. The bedroom wood work is coming along beautifully! It's all of those little details that take a long time, but you guys are moving right along!!

  11. I really enjoy reading about bloggy friends (must be a stickey beak!). Wow!! Married within 10 months of meeting - that's amazing!
    ps the room is coming along great :)

  12. JA famous, from what i see anyway! you just rock on over there....

  13. a) loved your list
    b) I absolutely believe in marrying within a reasonable period of time - like 10 months. If you need a long engagement, you're clearly not right for each other.
    c) I have long had a fantasy of learning to play cello. Let me just put that on the To Do List and I'm sure I'll get right to it. ;-)

  14. Congrats on your awards & your win - very deserving too! I just love visiting here, no doubt Apartment Therapy and Design Sponge will be coming visiting very soon. You've already had your kitchen featured on one design site haven't you? I'm sure I saw it. I recently read Elegance of the Hedgehog, so I'm really excited to see this movie. Glad it was a gem.

    Happy decorating Anita - the bedroom looks like it's going to be amazing and drool-worthy, as usual:) Meredy xo.

  15. I don't like tagging other people either although I did enjoy reading your list. x

  16. Its all in the details! Congrats on your awards too!

  17. Cannot raise one flimsy argument to refute your thoroughly fascinating claim. Yep, you are.

  18. I loved your new and fascinating list Anita! So much for the Furi knives - you are famous!

  19. What a fascinating Mandarin class you had - and how lucky they were to have you! One thing you may not have known about me: I'm a hopeless chain-letter breaker too.

  20. I love it , you certainly are fascinating & very very busy, your home is going to be beautiful!!!

  21. Wow you have been busy since I have been away baby gazing! Your blog is full of humor with a great story so no wonder you were given awards for it. Oh and if only those class mates knew you were going to become sooo famous! Love furi knifes too hubby works in hospitality so there is nothing like a good sharp knife!


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