
Sunday 23 October 2011

Dodgy Brothers Painting Inc.

By Jove, I think he's done it! Jason has finished painting the house façade.

Behold how she glows. A beacon of white (and poo brown).

White 1920s Queenslander
There's Son #3 sans culottes

And how precisely was this feat achieved?

Behold Australia's next Darwin Awards recipient.

Yes, that would be two aluminium planks on which the six-foot step ladder is precariously balancing.

For those who follow Fun and VJs on Facebook you would've already seen a teaser image. One of our readers, Mandy, said she was trying to work out how she would paint her roof gables and was waiting to see how Jason would tackle painting ours. After viewing the Facebook photo, she's decided to outsource the job!!

Jason tried to make a more solid platform, but it did not work out. So he improvised with just the planks.
He said there were plenty of things to bounce off if he were to tumble. I dashed to the filing cabinet and checked if the life insurance policy was up-to-date.

And one more shot to remind you how NOT to paint your roof gables. Yikes! Dodgy Brothers Painting Inc.
(You would roll your eyes if you knew what Jason did for a day job)
Finally, the very worst and most dangerous part of painting the Sow's Ear is officially over. I asked Jason how he felt on such a momentous occasion.

"I'm too exhausted to really appreciate it, to be honest..."

That's because there is still so much more to do, even with most of the Sow's Ear painted.


  1. HUGE congrats - both on amazingly getting through that last bit safe and sound - and on the beauty of the finished paint job.
    big breath in - big breath out!!
    she's looking great!
    cheryl xox.

  2. it looks brilliant. And that plant set up looks really really safe. Truly.

    Well done.


  3. hmm think I meant 'plank'

    Why doesn't the comment form have spell check?

  4. Cheryl, yes, definitely time for a deep breath out.
    Jane, Jason assured be that it was "safe enough". Anyway, he won't have to do it again in a hurry. xx

  5. I was holding my breath with every photo! Looks great though!

  6. Who would have thought! "Life on the edge in the 'burbs"

  7. Jason is a star. I would have outsourced the lot. Says the girl who once balanced an old wooden ladder on top of phone books on a flight of stairs to change a blind...

  8. Isnt he a marvel A daredevil one but a marvel lol

  9. Hello Miss Silk Purse

    Geesh.... lovely - you know how to make a girl weak and woosy.
    I 'm not liking those heights there thank you.

    Best we leave that for Jason. (did he do stilt walking as a child?)

    looking great - it really does

    have a great day

    loulou, from hereiamloulou blog

  10. What a milestone moment!

    Well done, it looks fabulous.

  11. Woohoo, what an epic job well done! I would have been much too scared to balance on a ladder like that. The exterior looks gorgeous.

  12. Congrats!! These pics remind me of when we renovated our other house and used several plastic boxes on top of one another to rest the gyprock..oh I think hubby also balanced it on his head as well!

    So what's the next job for you then...

  13. Jason is a brave lad. Make sure he keeps his day job!

  14. Our warmest felicitations to Jason for his ingenuity, his perseverance, his dedication and his survival. I guess you get to create a new blog header now?

  15. She looks great! Well done.

  16. Looks fantastic Anita, I bet Jason is glad he no longer has to scale those amazing heights! Well at least on a ladder anyway. Have a great day. x Jode

  17. I wouldn't have been able to watch! I spent a few seconds comparing the new paint job with your header photo.

    The house is looking great!

  18. I'm late to the party. Really late. Congratulations on finishing the exterior painting! It only seems like yesterday that Jason picked up a paint brush to play around on the back wall on the deck. I have been keening watching for the highly dangerous power line dodging final corner. I wanted to see the yellow and black caution sheets thrown over the lines. I guess Jason lives on the edge. He's "call me Mr Dodgy Dangerous". Anyway back to lurking.

  19. Oh thanks everyone. We are so glad that this part of the house is finished!!
    Jo, Jason is very dodgy and very dangerous! xx

  20. This is looking fantastic! Well done. I love it. Yes I was worried about how that painting was going to get done - lucky you had your handy hubby on hand :)

  21. Wow, the transformation is complete! Congratulations, it looks terrific! xx


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