
Monday 24 October 2011

Renovator's Rescue: Part two

Do you recall that old Queenslander house that I wrote about that's on my school rat-run when I drop off and fetch the boys?

Well, it eventually sold after being on the market for a while. And someone is actually renovating it. I took the shots below a couple of weeks ago and they've cleared the entire yard since then.

It looks like the house may be raised higher or an extension will be added to the back. But I don't know for sure. I thought it would be interesting to keep tabs on it and see what they do.

House voyeurism is my hobby!

Old  interwar Queenslander house
They have the exact same garage doors as ours, except theirs are in better condition! I should ask if they're keeping them...

You could barely see the house before because of all the trees and  overgrown vegetation.
 All the junk in the front yard is now cleared

They have a lot of work to do. It makes our house look like a walk in the park.


  1. Wow, understatement! Go make friends with them so we can see what they do inside as well. In fact, they could learn a lot from you two...they'd be grateful to know you :)

  2. I have film students looking for this type of location all the time! Not sure workplace health and safety would allow it though!!

  3. Nice find Anita. I was going to say, make friends with them so we can see inside but I see kerry has already said that!

  4. Brave, brave people. I would run a mile! It will be fascinating to follow the development though, hope you can keep us up to date.

  5. Holy cow - that is definately what I would call a renovator's delight!

  6. I love watching a major makeover! Shall be watching for progress reports.

  7. Ohh how exciting, I do suggest that you write them a little letter of introduction :)

    I do so hope that they keep the tiled accents on the cement(?) posts, they always make me smile when I see them on houses.

  8. Yes..definitely keep us posted on this one. It will be so interesting to see what they do with the old place! I agree with the others..try and wiggle your way into their grace and so we can see the inside develop too!!

  9. Oooh, I love a renovators delight project, definitely introduce yourself with the excuse of sharing your house film/ad contacts and get us the inside details too.melx

  10. I hope they do it upand dont take it down I see lots of beauty in it.

  11. That is a gorgeous house...I can;t wait to see what they do with it.

    What is all the space for underneath the looks like empty space.

  12. Holy shit! that's all I can say.....
    I want to get the feather hat to you this week, should I post it to you or hand deliver?
    Sar x

  13. And at the drop of a picture, a thousand rescuers hop onto a thousand white steeds and gallop to the rescue of a house so in need. What is this (perverse) law of nature which stipulates an inverse relation between the condition of the house and the number of swoons it evokes?

  14. PP, it's the love of the underdog. You just want to see that poor old thing restored to former glory. Maybe it's just a lick of paint need...Jason?

  15. Hi Annie. I think you're right. Show me a slightly tatty house that needs a bit of twitching and I'm nossokeen. Show me two sticks and a roof tile that might once have been a house and I'm in!

  16. PP, Annie, I think it's also the sense of achievement you would gain creating a home from the ruins. The house in this post is inhabitable for most people. I'm just curious about how they will transform it. xx

  17. Wow, that really is a fixer upper! Please keep popping back for update photos, that's a must, it will give me heaps of inspiration. This is the type of conditions our renos are in, well almost! Have a great day Annie. x Jode

  18. You should definitely speak to whomever is doing it up ... that way they'll give you the guff.

  19. Massive task ahead of them. I hope they know what they're in for and that the whole blogging world will be watching them.

    Jennifer xx

  20. I look forward to the updates on this reno. This looks like a great project for someone.

  21. Heart palpitations... worse than The Block. I need a paper bag! Ha! Can't wait to see that come alive!!

  22. Oh wow, really, they didn't just move straight in?? Looks ambitious, love Posie

  23. Oh my - it even makes our renovation seem like a walk in the park too.
    House voyeurism - I'll join you in the club. xx

  24. Wow what a huge reno to be done! I look forward to the updates. Mimi xx


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