
Monday 31 October 2011

Massive giveaway! Win, win, win!

Well, I'm back with the giveaway portion after the Air Wick Aqua Mist product review. I hope you read it. It's here if you missed it. Go on.

Air Wick Aqua Mist refreshing musty retro fabric

As I mentioned yesterday, the Soup and Air Wick team have generously provided Bunnings and Coles/Myer gift vouchers, as well as samples of Aqua Mist, to give away to our readers. It is perfectly timed, with Christmas just around the corner.

Shop and spritz!
Subtle Aqua Mist product placement image

The first prize is a $250 Bunnings gift voucher. Second prize is a $100 Coles/Myer gift voucher. Both winners will also receive their very own bottles of Air Wick Aqua Mist in Wild Lavender & Mountain BreezeFresh Waters and Magnolia & Cherry Blossom to sample for themselves. It's a massive prize and I'm so happy you will have the chance to win it. Hooray!

So, to be in the draw to win, all you have to do is leave a comment answering this simple question:

What is your number one tip to freshen up your home?

As easy as pie.

You have until midnight (Brisvegas time) Monday 7 November to enter. If you're an anonymous commenter, please leave your email address with your comment, so I have some way to contact you. I will announce who won, next week.

Sadly, this competition is only valid for Australian readers... Boo!

Anyway, good luck! I can't wait to read all your tips!


  1. What a great giveaway!

    I think my number one tip is to send my kids away for the weekend.

    Oh that's right I can't enter!

  2. Hi! I like to light candles all over the place.

  3. I'm a little dubious about air freshener thingos as they usually pong more than the actual pong, but I'll never know unless I try, tip is to open all the windows, draw back the curtains and blinds and let the fresh air and sunshine in.

  4. Got to be in it! So I usually open up all the windows and give all surfaces a wipe over to remove any dust etc. The boys bathroom usually gets a spray of glen20 to be sure to be sure! ;-)

  5. omg, i was just going to write exactly your tip anita!! that's freakin hilarious. ok, so my number 1A tip would have to be keep the boys sports shoes out on the verandah. its obligatory!!

    oh, and dont feed the dog anything out of his normal diet. that can be a killer!

  6. I like to open all the doors and windows and burn a candle called "Wasabi Mint" by Archipelago which is the freshest scented candle I've ever come across

  7. I try to buy cleaning products that intermingle (pleasantly) with candles I light.

    They may not be all the same brand but it sort of layers the scent and makes me more inclined to like cleaning...(not always my first preference of activity).


  8. I open the windows that actually do open and send the dog and kids out to the trampoline. Works wonders for the house.

  9. My tip is to not allow a 21 yr old son move home when he is a bad

  10. Hmmmm check the toilet is flushed.... Just kidding... Or am I ? Its been already said but opening all the windows is my first step and I am too stingy to buy fancy smelly things so I spray around personal deodorant, which ironically probably costs more then if I just bought some of the nice room smelly stuff featured here. I have a vision of you brismod, dressed in a full skirt 50's style spritzing away while jason is on the lounge reading the paper in one of his many suits , madman style .

  11. For me it's just paint everything white and open the windows. Pity that is going to take me until 2018 until my house feels fresh. Great prizes by the way..... that is a lot of paint from Bunnings, maybe enough to paint Betsy outside if I could just hurry up and get the colour right. melx

  12. I'm with a lot of the other commenters - open the windows and let the light and air in!

  13. Freshly cut flowers from the garden off the moment it is Jasmine!

  14. Chooks and kiddos down the back, boys' shoes on the landing and lots of fresh air and sunlight. Occasionally getting the couch and rugs cleaned might help too. Or a peg on the nose.

  15. My tip is to try and stay on top of keeping the guinea pig cage on the balcony clean!

  16. Hi Anita,

    With three boys, a hubby, three cats (how many classes you as the old cat lady?) one very spoilt dog, a cockatoo, six chooks and three ducks! Oh, and not to forget the twenty cows! I must mention that the last few do live in the paddock, well, most of the time.

    Yes, we have a menagerie of a household.

    I have resorted to Eucalyptus Oil mixed with water in a spray bottle (very hippy of me) but, it seems to get rid of the array of smells! Making my house a home again!

    Anyway off to feed the masses! lol

    Have a great day. x Jode

  17. I like the idea of Aqua Mist, I'll put it on my shopping list and give it a go....I love having a house that smells nice and fresh. Tea Rose scented oil is a favourite of mine to keep my house smelling pretty.

  18. Great giveaway bris' !!

    I open all the windows, put the dogs outside, light a couple of candles and bake a loaf of brad...then just hope the smell of the bread "masks" any other bad aromas...

  19. My suggestion is simple- ensure that hubby has the weekend off work. He loves to move everything and vacuum and mop! (I know most people don't believe me!) While he does this I clean the bathrooms/ toilets- so they smell nice and refreshed. We have also discovered 'Wild Hibiscus Air wick candles' which smell yummy around the house even without being lit!

  20. Put the dog outside and vacuum the floor, so that when I open the windows, no cat-sized balls of dog hair go scurrying past me.

    Also, plant some jasmine by a window or door. Smells divine when it wafts inside!

  21. Sorry, I deleted the last comment as I didn't put an email address, and that didn't put it on the next one. Sorry. russellcathryn at

  22. What a fantastic giveaway. My best way to freshen up my home is by adding beautiful fresh flowers everywhere and a spritz of my favourite perfume. Have a lovely week xx

  23. Fresh air!!!!! Thank you for including me in the draw!
    X KL

  24. I open doors and windows even in winter. All houses need an air!

  25. My tip is to bake cookies (and a little cross-promotion). I have a foolproof recipe for Choc-Chip cookies with maple syrup that leaves the whole home smelling great, and they only take a few minutes to whip up!

  26. I open up all the windows and doors and put fresh flowers on the table
    leahluna33 at gmail dot com

  27. Hi Anita,

    What a great giveaway.

    My tip would be to bake a cake with the kids, 1: its fun, 2: its delicious and 3: it fills the house with the most welcoming yummy smell. I wonder if they could bottle that?

    A good house clean, tidyup and opening the front door also helps too. Tamara x

  28. Leave those windows and doors open. Cut a lmeon in half, place it uncivered in a bowl and it will deodorise microwaves of fridges. use the range hood when cooking

  29. Great giveaway! To freshen up our place, I usually open the windows, wipe down the benches and other surfaces and light a favourite candle :)

  30. My biggest tip is to use small shopping bags as our rubbish bins, we dont have a bin as such and then every couple of hours I'm taking them to the bin. We try and recycle everything as well.

  31. What a great giveaway!

    Our house has some low ceilings and a small smelly dog (as well as some small smelly kids!) so often I get frustrated at the general air of mustiness...

    My trick is usually to wipe down all the kitchen bins and benches with Detol and attack the toilets with Harpic - I do this first to make sure I get rid of the stinks!

    Then I open all the windows - especially on the weekends when lovely husband is mowing the laws - a nice breeze through the house with that lovely smell of cut crass always smells clean!

    Then...ummm, I think I need some Air Wick!


  32. There is nothing easier than opening the windows, trouble is my 2 year old keeps closing them all the time so its hard to get the fresh air in. I think I need to try Aqua Mist!

  33. Open up the house! If you are lucky enough to live in a warm enough place. It makes it so much fresher!

  34. My 3-year old twins LOVE cleaning, one handles the cleaning wipes and the other does the vacuuming. I admit I have to do a little check afterwards myself but most of the work is done :)

  35. If I'm feeling in the mood to clean, I'll use a Method all purpose Cucumber spray - if I'm feeling lazy, I'll light a candle or 3 :)

    Or, best one is, if it's a breezy day, open all the windows and doors!

  36. Washing the curtains always freshens up any room in my house. Of course, I always clean the screen and windows before rehanging curtain.

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  37. We actually have our house on the market at the moment,so it being fresh is important,after cleaning everything from top to bottom and placing fresh flowers in a vase,I spray a very small amount of perfume on to my light bulbs and when leaving switch them on and because of the heat it disperses a beautiful smell right through the house!

  38. Bring in fresh flowers . Flowers bring freshness into any room. Choose your favourite glass vase or colourful ceramic jug and keep it full of fresh cut stems from your garden or the flower market.

  39. Clean the floors and surfaces. Even if the dog is way overdue for a bath, so long as the floors are shiny and the surfaces clean, my home feels fresh.

  40. *sniff* only for you guys living in Australia, that would have had Mum sorted for Christmas.

  41. My number one tip is owning a big basket and a door.

    I scoop everything in the basket and then I push it into the master bedroom and then I shut the door.

    Works every time. But only until I need the basket to bring in the washing.

  42. I love to throw open a window and let that fresh air in!I also light a candle from Wallflower. So heavenly...

  43. Leave the windows open as much as possible and light an oil burner too (usually lavender) :)

  44. I would usually start by clearing out the chook poo. They have discovered how to use the dog flap and just come in and make themselves at home.

    TDM xx

  45. My number one tip for freshening up our home is just to open everything up to air it all out. It makes a huge difference.

  46. Hi, my No.1 tip back home in Switzerland was: open the window and let in som very, very cold winter-air ;-)
    Now I moved to Brisi and I'm thinking of buying febreeze; I have to say I do not really like the smell of air-conditioners, but even more I hate to sweat ;-)
    (d'Schwitzer schwitzed z'Australie = the Swiss sweat in Auastralia)

  47. hee hee - open back and front doors and let that strong highland country breeze whip right thru :) I also think scrunched up mint in bowls is nice :) le xox

  48. My number 1 smelly football boots in the house !

    Michelle @ Farmers Wifey

  49. With 3 dogs, my mum always comments that our house smells 'doggy' when she visits. I never remember to open up the house before she comes over! But I've worked out I can sprinkle that 'carpet powder' stuff in 30 seconds and it's magic. If you let the dogs run around the house, they can work it into the carpet so you can't see it, and then I don't have to vacuum it up for a few days. Bonus :)

  50. Seems there is a consensus; but I agree opening windows and doors for some fresh air and sunshine works wonders in making the place fresher.

  51. Oh wow Anita, what an amazing giveaway. You have no idea how this would help us at the moment.
    To freshen the house I'd have to drag out the vacuum, do some, ok a tonne of dusting and open our 3 doors to get some great airflow. Simple, but not done enough, especially the dusting bit :)
    Thanks for this opportunity x

  52. I guess like most of the previous the windows, wash the curtains, clean the blinds and screens. Mind you...finding the time to do all that washing and cleaning is another matter lol

  53. Oh lovely, what a great give away!
    I freshen up our home with a ruthless declutter (and I almost have to do it with my eyes closed so I can't see what I'm chucking out!), I wipe all surfaces, maybe do a little rearranging of photos, knickknacks (the ones that made it through the declutter lol), open all the bifolds, cut something green from the garden for the table and light some candles :)

  54. The stench of sweat obliterates my nose;
    As I succumb to washing their clothes;
    My number 1 tip that works for me;
    Is 'take the smells out to the laundry'
    Then out to the garden- pick some lavender;
    Combine with rose water and send smells running far!



  55. I like to put a drop or two of uacalyptus oil in a small container of hot water - chases away bad smells and leaves a fresh smell behind

  56. My number one tip is to open all of the windows up in the house and let some fresh air come into the house.

  57. What a lovely giveaway! Perfect for this time of year. My tip for freshening up the home is to open all the windows in this glorious Brisbane weather and let the fresh air in. I also like to light a Glasshouse candle or two.

  58. What a great giveaway. I have to say I love bicarb soda for getting rid of stale smells - either mixed with water for cleaning or left dry in a little dish to absorb any funky odours. It's an oldie but a goodie.

  59. Eucalyptus oil for cleaning it smells fantastic is a natural disinfectant and you can use it for pretty much everything even your laundry.

  60. I like to put some coffee beans in a saucepan and burn them. The smell of coffee overcomes all other odours and just makes the house smell great.Try it !

  61. My tip is buy fresh flowers every third day, and burn gorgeous smelling candles every night!

  62. With small children in the house, opening the windows is usually the best way to freshen up the house, but during winter, I have a pot of water simmering on the stove and I fill it with orange peel and cloves, or cinammon and vanilla, or eucalyptus and lemon - depending on what I have in the cupboard and how I feel.

  63. Open the windows and bake bread - the smell drifts through the whole house!

  64. Notihng better than opening up all the windows in the house and letting the fresh spring air in!

  65. Asking my husband not fart usually helps! No seriously, I like to keep the place dust free, air it out, and burn wonderful smelling candles that just give a hint of a smell.

  66. Not letting your kids bring home ducklings! There's nothing much smellier then ducks!

  67. If I'm expecting a visitor, I spray the inside of the front door with a lavender oil/water spritz a few minutes before they are due. That way, when I answer the knock - instant freshness.

  68. Open up your windows, there is something about fresh air that really freshens up your home.

  69. a few drops of lavender or essential oil on a cotton ball in the vaccuum cleaner creates a create fragrance.

  70. My tip is to have air flow through the house just like so many others have already said! But it really does make a difference.

  71. What a fabulous giveaway...nearly missed this one! Hmmm to freshen up I open the windows...vac and spray... Give the bathrooms a once over and voila....

  72. open all windows & doors Sprinkle bicarb soda right through all carpets & vac it all up. makes the place smell & feel so fresh

  73. Place your favourite scented soaps in drawers and wardrobes so every time you open them, a lovely fresh scent will waft out.

  74. Open the windows, clean the bathrooms and put out some essential oil...oh and close the doors to the kids rooms!

  75. I'd just have to say open the windows!

  76. Opening up the window and letting in the fresh air is always a sure winner.

  77. Vases full of jasmine or freesias, then open the windows and wait for the breeze....


Love to read your comments