
Wednesday 2 November 2011


One great thing about keeping a blog chronicling our renovations on the Sow's Ear is that it keeps us accountable. I found that if I wrote about upcoming projects, they would eventually be someone...usually Jason.

It's handy when he treats the blog as his to-do list. Jason is now on a mini reno break, to recoup his energy after the mammoth task of painting the entire house most weekends for the past year.

Unfortunately, I said that I would paint the fences. Whatever possessed me? I've nearly done one coat of paint, on one side only...hopeless!

Half-painted gates. Changing 

So, this blog post is purely to motivate me to finish before I lose interest again and before the fence festers in its half-done state.

I hope it works.

Oh and don't forget to enter my giveaway to be in the draw to win a $250 Bunnings gift voucher or $100 Coles/Myer gift voucher and some Air Wick Aqua Mist samples. Just leave a comment HERE. Go now.


  1. Oh how I loathe painting fences! Have you thought about hiring a spray painter from Bunnings? I watched my neightbour the other and he painted the whole fence, 3 coats, in a weekend (including the drying time). After seeing that I know what I'll be doing next time! :)

  2. Blogs do keep one on the straight and narrow, don't they?

    I would have chucked in renovating the dolls' house, if I hadn't blogged about it.

    Painting the fence sounds like a hideous job. But you'll be glad once you've done it!

  3. I think in all the reno shows they always spray paint have to put a board up behind them though so you don't spray your neighbours garden..that wouldn't be very neighbourly at all!

  4. Oh i like the 80's half & half look you're going for with the fence. Oh it's a lot of work painting the fences. It's funny when you say something on your blog & you don't realise people are hanging to hear how it went??!! Accountable, sure thing!! Love Posie

  5. *taps toes impatiently* waiting for more pics....LOL!!

  6. If you are a good girl maybe Jason will finish it for you? Fingers crossed - after all he is so good at it and so quick yes? ;-)

  7. Whats to bet Mr VJ will be having painting withdrawels he will get stuck in to that fence.Well you can only hope hey? lol

  8. I very nearly popped in today as I wasn't far from you getting some goodies from an old house but I thought you would be doing the school run.xx Painting is so dull...much more fun to have coffee and eat cake he he.

  9. Would it work to send Jason off rallying or go-karting for an afternoon and secretly get Mr Rooney the undoubted fence-painting expert in to finish the job while he is away? He need never know.

  10. It will all be worth it. Using a spray gun does make it easier, but it is very noisy! No starting early in the morning. NR spray-painted our fence & then I finished by going over the top with a roller & brush. But it was still hard boring work. Very happy it is now off my to do list. Thank you for leaving comments on my blog, greatly appriciated. KP

  11. I know the feeling - apparently I said I was going to paint our lattice gates. Really? Me?

    Good luck!

  12. I must say it doesn't sound like a very appealing task but I'm all for blogging about something to make yourself accountable for it.

    Could you get the kids involved in the painting?

  13. I painted a whole fence like yours once ... it nearly drove me mad !! go sister .... I feel your pain le xox

  14. Blogs do make one a bit accountable, don't they? Maybe Jason will take over the fence painting.

  15. Oh well done you! That is one task I don't mind doing too much. I find it so therapeutic... soothing in fact. Hmm, large fence.... keep going. A-M xx

  16. I quite enjoy painting, but fences noooooo. It's all the annoying inbetweeny bits - they're the worst.


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